Manténgase sano!

Resultados de su búsqueda "Vegetarianism".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 41

21 Aug
Red Meat Linked to Higher Odds for Type 2 Diabetes

Red Meat Linked to Higher Odds for Type 2 Diabetes

Eating red meat and processed meat can increase a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a new review finds.

Regularly eating 50 grams of...

21 Aug
Free Meals at School May Boost Attendance, Lower Obesity Rates

Free Meals at School May Boost Attendance, Lower Obesity Rates

A review of U.S. data from 2012 through 2024 finds that when kids get free school meals, there's a potential for a slight increase in attendance and a lowering of child obesity rates.

Even kids from higher-income households benefited, as many took advantage of wholesome ...

16 Aug
Red Meat Could Be Prime Driver of Colon Cancer in the Young

Red Meat Could Be Prime Driver of Colon Cancer in the Young

There are clues that red and processed meats could be driving the increased risk of colon cancer in young adults, a new study claims.

Younger colon cancer pati...

13 Aug
Why Red Meat May Be Especially Linked to Diabetes Risk

Why Red Meat May Be Especially Linked to Diabetes Risk

Red meat contains a type of iron that could increase a person's risk of type 2 diabetes, a new study warns.

People who ate the most foods high in hem...

12 Aug
Getting Fats From Plants Vs. Animals Boosts Your Life Span

Getting Fats From Plants Vs. Animals Boosts Your Life Span

A study of more than 400,000 people tracked for up to 24 years finds that those who got their dietary fat from plants versus animals had significantly lower odds of dying during the study period.

Plant-based fats' benefit included a reduced odds for deaths due to heart d...

12 Aug
Fruits, Vegetables Lower Your Body's Acid Levels, Boosting Health

Fruits, Vegetables Lower Your Body's Acid Levels, Boosting Health

An apple a day, along with a healthy serving of vegetables, could become a first line of treatment for hypertension, new research suggests.

Diet plays a large role in overall health, and the study confirmed that a

15 Jul
Thinking of a Switch Away from Meat? Your Genes May Be Key

Thinking of a Switch Away from Meat? Your Genes May Be Key

Pondering a move to a vegetarian or vegan diet? Your heart might be in it, but your genes might not, a new study says.

Genetics are an important part of whether a person responds well or poorly to a

09 Jul
Cutting Out Meat Could Cut Diabetes Rates

Cutting Out Meat Could Cut Diabetes Rates

If it would stave off heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer, would you swear off bacon and burgers?

A new international simulation projects cutting Americans' intake of

26 Jun
Meat Alternatives Healthier for Heart Than Meat, Review Shows

Meat Alternatives Healthier for Heart Than Meat, Review Shows

Even though plant-based meat alternatives are ultra-processed, they still may be healthier for your heart than traditional meat is, a new review finds.

Risk factors for heart disease, including total cholesterol, 

10 Jun
What Is the Planetary Health Diet, and Can It Extend Your Life?

What Is the Planetary Health Diet, and Can It Extend Your Life?

A plant-based eating regimen designed to save the Earth also saves people's lives, a large study confirms.

"Shifting how we eat can help slow the process of climate change," said corresponding author Dr. W...

16 May
Plant-Based Diets Lower Risk of Heart Trouble, Cancer and Death

Plant-Based Diets Lower Risk of Heart Trouble, Cancer and Death

Following a vegetarian or vegan diet might just buy you a longer, healthier life, a new review finds.

Staying away from meat was tied to a reduced risk of heart disease, cancer and early death, researchers reported in a study published Wednesday in the journal

29 Apr
Smokers, Former Smokers May Gain From Switch to Plant-Based Diet

Smokers, Former Smokers May Gain From Switch to Plant-Based Diet

Current and former smokers might lower their risk for emphysema if they adopt a highly nutritional plant-based diet, a new study shows.

People with a history of smoking who adopted a plant-based diet had a 56% lower risk of developing emphysema, compared to those who ate...

25 Mar
Survey Finds Americans Conflicted About Plant-Based Diets

Survey Finds Americans Conflicted About Plant-Based Diets

Most folks know they'd be healthier if they ate more plant-based foods, but only a quarter are willing to follow through and do it, a new study shows.

Surveys reveal that Ameri...

21 Feb
Cutting Out Meat Might Help Prevent Snoring: Study

Cutting Out Meat Might Help Prevent Snoring: Study

A person's diet can influence their risk of obstructive sleep apnea, a new study says.

Those who eat a healthy plant-based diet rich in vegetables, fruit, whole grains and nuts are less likely to suffer sleep apnea, according to findings published Feb. 20 in the journal ...

13 Feb
Avoiding Meat Can Help Men Cope With Prostate Cancer Treatments

Avoiding Meat Can Help Men Cope With Prostate Cancer Treatments

The red meat diet associated with masculinity could be the worst thing for men dealing with prostate cancer, a new study says.

Prostate cancer patients who limit meat and dairy but eat lots of plant-based foods tend to suffer less erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinen...

17 Jan
Getting Protein From Plant-Based Foods Might Extend Women's Lives

Getting Protein From Plant-Based Foods Might Extend Women's Lives

Women who consume more plant-based protein tend to age more gracefully, a new study reports.

Women with diets rich in protein -- especially from plant-based sources -- develop fewer chronic diseases and enjoy healthier aging overall, researchers report in the Jan. 17 iss...

10 Jan
Meat-Free Diet Could Cut Your Risk for COVID

Meat-Free Diet Could Cut Your Risk for COVID

Vegetarian diets have been tied to a variety of health benefits -- lower blood pressure, better blood sugar control and weight loss among them.

Now a new study suggests those benefits might even extend to a person's ability to ward off COVID-19.

A predominantly pla...

13 Dec
Plant-Based Diets Cut Diabetes Risk by 24%

Plant-Based Diets Cut Diabetes Risk by 24%

A healthy plant-based diet can reduce a person's risk of type 2 diabetes by 24%, a new study has found.

Eating plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains has this protective effect even in people with a genetic predisposition for diabetes or risk factors like ob...

01 Nov
Does Meat Need Warning Labels on How It Harms Climate, Health?

Does Meat Need Warning Labels on How It Harms Climate, Health?

Adding warning labels to meat about its impact on climate and health could lower its consumption, a new study suggests.

British researchers investigated what adding cigarette-style graphic warning labels to meat in a cafeteria setting might do.

"Reaching net zero i...

05 Oct
Going Vegan Healthy for Dogs, Cats -- and the Planet

Going Vegan Healthy for Dogs, Cats -- and the Planet

Should Fluffy and Fido go vegan?

A new study says yes -- for the environment.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization est...

04 Oct
Genes Might Be Driving You to Go Vegetarian

Genes Might Be Driving You to Go Vegetarian

Going vegetarian is trendy and popular, along with being a healthy choice, but a large portion of those who say they want to stick with a plant-based diet don't.

It might come down to your DNA, suggests new research that has uncovered three genes that seem to be strongly...

06 Sep
Besides Boosting Health, a Vegan Diet Might Save You Money

Besides Boosting Health, a Vegan Diet Might Save You Money

Going vegan doesn't have to mean going broke, with new research finding that steering clear of meat and dairy can lower food costs by about 16%.

"A vegan diet based on fruits, vegetables, grains and beans has always been a more affordable diet than one that includes mea...

26 Jul
Vegetarian Diet May Be the Best Bet for Those at High Risk for Heart Disease

Vegetarian Diet May Be the Best Bet for Those at High Risk for Heart Disease

As more people are advised to shun meat, a new study from Australia adds to evidence that a vegetarian diet can help improve heart health.

A review of 20 prior investigations found that folks who followed a vegetarian diet for six months, on average, saw improvements in ...

26 May
Switching to Plant-Based Diet Helps Your Heart, Major Study Finds

Switching to Plant-Based Diet Helps Your Heart, Major Study Finds

Vegetarian and vegan diets lead to lower blood levels of cholesterol and fats, according to a major new analysis of all evidence from clinical trials published since 1982.

Compared to people eating an omnivorous diet, those following a plant-based diet experienced an av...

17 May
How Healthy Is a Vegan Mom's Breast Milk?

How Healthy Is a Vegan Mom's Breast Milk?

Vegan moms can breastfeed their children and not worry that their breast milk is missing essential nutrients, a new study finds.

Researchers from Amsterdam University Medical Center in the Netherlands tested the milk of vegan mothers, finding it contains sufficient leve...

20 Mar
Have Type 2 Diabetes? Switch to Plant-Based, Lower-Carb Diet to Boost Life Span

Have Type 2 Diabetes? Switch to Plant-Based, Lower-Carb Diet to Boost Life Span

Cutting some carbohydrates may help people with type 2 diabetes live longer -- as long as they are swapping sugar for vegetables instead of steak, new research suggests.

The study, of more than 10,000 U.S. adults with type 2 diabetes, found that those who ate relatively ...

06 Mar
Keto, Paleo, Vegan: How Does Your Diet Affect the Planet?

Keto, Paleo, Vegan: How Does Your Diet Affect the Planet?

Swapping that steak for a fish filet or a veggie burger is not only good for your health, but the planet's, too, a new study suggests.

The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutriti...

16 Feb
Switch to Plant-Based Diet Could Boost Prostate Cancer Survival

Switch to Plant-Based Diet Could Boost Prostate Cancer Survival

Following a healthy plant-based diet after a diagnosis of prostate cancer may help prevent the disease from progressing or recurring, a new study suggests.

Men who ate a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains had a 52% lower risk of cancer progressing and a 53...

13 Jan
Plant-Based Diets: What Are They, and How Do You Start?

Plant-Based Diets: What Are They, and How Do You Start?

As Americans struggle to eat better, plant-based diets have become the rage, but exactly what are those and how hard are they to follow?

A growing number of people have turned to plant-based eating, as evidenced by the fact that the plant-based foods market increased by ...

29 Nov
Healthy Plant-Based Diets Lower Men's Odds for Colon Cancer

Healthy Plant-Based Diets Lower Men's Odds for Colon Cancer

Are you an older man worried about your risk for colon cancer? Eating whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes may improve your odds of dodging the disease, new research shows.

"Although previous research has suggested that plant-based diets may play a role in preven...

20 Aug
Tips to Food-Fueling Your Active Vegan Child

Tips to Food-Fueling Your Active Vegan Child

Kids can take part in sports while on vegetarian and vegan diets, but parents and caregivers must help them select foods that will fuel them and meet their nutrition needs.

Vegan athletes can become deficient in vitamin B12, vitamin D, long-chain omega-3 fats, riboflavin...

11 Aug
Vegetarian Women at Higher Odds for Hip Fracture

Vegetarian Women at Higher Odds for Hip Fracture

Record numbers of people are turning to plant-based diets to take advantage of the many health benefits they offer, but this may come at the expense of their bones, a new study suggests.

Exactly what did researchers find? Middle-aged women who never eat meat may be more ...

05 Aug
Vegan? Weightlifting May Protect Your Bones

Vegan? Weightlifting May Protect Your Bones

While a plant-based diet may be associated with lower bone mineral density and increased fracture risk, there might be a way to counteract that: pumping iron.

New Austr...

16 Jun
Plant-Based Diet May Help Keep Breast Cancer Away

Plant-Based Diet May Help Keep Breast Cancer Away

Women who follow a healthy plant-based diet after menopause appear to face a substantially lower risk for breast cancer, new French research indicates.

After tracking more than 65,000 women for two decades, investigators found those who consumed a healthy, primarily plan...

06 May
Vegan Diet Brings Weight Loss to Overweight and Diabetic Folks

Vegan Diet Brings Weight Loss to Overweight and Diabetic Folks

Are you overweight or struggling with type 2 diabetes? Try going vegan, researchers suggest in a new data review.

Vegan diets are high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and seeds and have no a...

02 May
Are Vegetarian Diets Healthy for Growing Kids?

Are Vegetarian Diets Healthy for Growing Kids?

Vegetarian diets are a healthy choice for growing kids -- though they may slightly raise the odds of youngsters being underweight, a new study suggests.

The study, of nearly 9,000 young children, found that those on vegetarian diets were, on average, of similar weight an...

15 Apr
Avoiding Diabetes May Include Avoiding Meat

Avoiding Diabetes May Include Avoiding Meat

Eating a healthy plant-based diet may help you head off type 2 diabetes, a new study suggests.

Healthy plant-based foods include fruits, v...

14 Apr
Should Your Dog Go Vegan?

Should Your Dog Go Vegan?

Dogs may be famous meat lovers, but canines who follow a vegan diet might be a bit healthier, a new survey suggests.

British and Australian researchers found that...

06 Jan
Beyond Chicken? KFC to Serve Up Plant-Based Meals

Beyond Chicken? KFC to Serve Up Plant-Based Meals

First, there was Beyond Meat. Next up? Beyond Fried Chicken.

KFC announced Wednesday that it will begin offering a plant-based chicken in some of its meals on Jan. 10, from the same company known for its meat-free burgers, Beyond Meat.

Beyond Fried Chicken was deve...

24 Dec
Most of Restaurant Menu Must Be Vegetarian Before Meat Eaters Make the Switch

Most of Restaurant Menu Must Be Vegetarian Before Meat Eaters Make the Switch

Meat eaters are far more apt to choose plant-based foods at restaurants if menus are at least 75% vegetarian, according to a new study.

Along with the health benefits, British researchers said getting more people to eat plant-based foods could help fight climate change.<...

14 Sep
Your Diet Could Cut Your Odds for Severe COVID-19

Your Diet Could Cut Your Odds for Severe COVID-19

People who eat plenty of fruits and vegetables may have a somewhat lower risk of COVID-19 than those with unhealthy diets, a new study suggests.

Of more than 590,000 adults surveyed, researchers found that the quarter with the most plant-rich diets had a 9% lower risk of...