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Results for search "Race".

Health News Results - 300

07 Oct
Minority Patients More Likely to Be Denied the Free Preventive Care Mandated by Obamacare

Minority Patients More Likely to Be Denied the Free Preventive Care Mandated by Obamacare

Two new studies show insurers continue to deny claims for preventive care that is supposed to be free under Obamacare.

And insurers are more apt to reject claims from patients who are Asian, Black or Hispanic as well as those with low incomes, researchers recently report...

04 Oct
Hospital Drug Tests Far More Likely for Minority Teens

Hospital Drug Tests Far More Likely for Minority Teens

Teens from minority groups seeking treatment at pediatric trauma centers are more likely than their white counterparts to be tested for drugs and alcohol.

That's the takeaway from a new study led by researchers at UCLA and Children's Hospital Los Angeles. 


01 Oct
Black, White Cancer Patients Now Benefit Equally From Cord Blood Therapy

Black, White Cancer Patients Now Benefit Equally From Cord Blood Therapy

Blood cancer patients of all races who receive cord blood transplants are now living longer.

The finding, reported by a team led by oncologist Dr. Karen Ballen, of UVA (University of Virginia) Health...

30 Sep
Black Babies With Heart Abnormalities Face Higher Death Risk

Black Babies With Heart Abnormalities Face Higher Death Risk

Black American infants born with congenital heart disease are less likely to survive to the age of 1, compared to white babies with the condition, a new study finds.

The research suggests that Black infants aren't reaping the same benefit from recent advances against hea...

24 Sep
Black, Hispanic Doctors See Much Larger Proportion of Medicaid Patients

Black, Hispanic Doctors See Much Larger Proportion of Medicaid Patients

Latino and Black family doctors are more likely to hang their shingle in their old neighborhood and care for the less fortunate, researchers report.

The new findings, which also showed these doctors were more likely to take on Medicaid patients than white or Asian doctor...

15 Aug
Workplace Mistreatment Takes Tougher Mental Toll on Black Employees

Workplace Mistreatment Takes Tougher Mental Toll on Black Employees

Black employees in a toxic workplace are more susceptible to depression and sleep loss than whites are, according to new research.

Black workers being mistreated by emp...

26 Jul
Kids From Poorer Families Less Likely to Survive Cancer

Kids From Poorer Families Less Likely to Survive Cancer

Children from poor families are less likely to survive cancer, particularly if they are not white, a new study reports.

A childhood cancer patientââ‚...

24 Jul
Better Screening Key to Closing U.S. 'Race Gap' in Colon Cancer Deaths

Better Screening Key to Closing U.S. 'Race Gap' in Colon Cancer Deaths

Black Americans are almost a third more likely to die from colon cancer than their white peers, and one key to closing that divide could be better cancer screening, a new report finds.

18 Jul
Race, Insurance Stop Many Hispanics From Getting Post-Stroke Care

Race, Insurance Stop Many Hispanics From Getting Post-Stroke Care

Hispanic people -- particularly those without insurance -- are less likely to get the additional care needed to recover from a stroke, a new study finds....

16 Jul
U.S. Stroke Survival Is Improving, But Race Still Plays Role

U.S. Stroke Survival Is Improving, But Race Still Plays Role

There's good news and bad for stroke survival in the United States: New research shows that Americans are now more likely to survive long-term, but that's more true for whites than for Black Americans.

At least for a sample of people living in the greater Cincinnati area...

16 Jul
Could Living in Poor Neighborhoods Fuel Prostate Cancer in Black Men? Study Says It Might

Could Living in Poor Neighborhoods Fuel Prostate Cancer in Black Men? Study Says It Might

The stress of living in a poor neighborhood might contribute to higher rates of aggressive prostate cancer in Black men, a new study warns.

Black men are more th...

12 Jul
Black Patients Diagnosed With Huntington's Later Than Whites

Black Patients Diagnosed With Huntington's Later Than Whites

Black patients with Huntington's disease receive their diagnoses an average of one year later than white people with the incurable genetic disorder, a new study shows.

Early diagnosis is essential to help patients get proper care and prepare for the effects of the diseas...

08 Jul
American Indian/Alaska Native Breast Cancer Patients Less Likely to Get Reconstruction

American Indian/Alaska Native Breast Cancer Patients Less Likely to Get Reconstruction

After a mastectomy, some women are less likely than others to have breast reconstruction surgery.

Rates of the surgery are consistently lower among American Indian and Alaskan na...

04 Jun
U.S. Maternal Death Rate Remains Much Higher Than Other Affluent Nations

U.S. Maternal Death Rate Remains Much Higher Than Other Affluent Nations

Maternal mortality rates in the United States continue to exceed those in other wealthy nations, with most women dying during pregnancy and childbirth in ways that were preventable, a new report shows.

In 2022, U.S. women had a death rate from complications of pregnancy ...

03 Jun
Lack of Insurance Keeps Many Americans From Best Cancer Meds

Lack of Insurance Keeps Many Americans From Best Cancer Meds

A cutting-edge class of drugs is saving and extending the lives of cancer patients.

But the drugs, called immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), are so expensive that some uninsured Americans can't access them, a new report finds.

New policies are needed "to improve ...

21 May
Deadly GallBladder Cancers Rising Among Black Americans

Deadly GallBladder Cancers Rising Among Black Americans

Gallbladder cancer rates are steadily increasing among Black Americans, even as they remain stable or decline for most other Americans, a new study warns.

Further, growing numbers of cases among Black people are not being diagnosed until

16 May
Brain Decline, Dementia Common Among Older American Indians

Brain Decline, Dementia Common Among Older American Indians

Higher rates of blood vessel-damaging conditions like hypertension or diabetes may be driving up rates of cognitive decline and dementia among older American Indians, new research shows.

The study found that 54% of American Indians ages 72 to 95 had some form of impairme...

15 May
Report Highlights Big Gaps in Cancer Outcomes Based on Race

Report Highlights Big Gaps in Cancer Outcomes Based on Race

U.S. cancer death rates are continuing to drop, falling by 33% between 1991 and 2020.

However, not all Americans are reaping the benefits from advances in cancer prevention, early detection and treatment, a new report from the American Association for Cancer Research (AA...

14 May
Melanoma Can Strike Black Americans, Often With Deadlier Results

Melanoma Can Strike Black Americans, Often With Deadlier Results

Melanoma, while rare among Black Americans, is often detected later with devastating consequences, a new study finds.

Black people are frequently diagnosed with melanoma at later st...

01 May
Americans of Pacific Island Ethnicity Have Up to Triple the Rate of Cancer Deaths

Americans of Pacific Island Ethnicity Have Up to Triple the Rate of Cancer Deaths

Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander people have cancer death rates that are two to three times higher than they are in whites, new data shows.

The first-of-its-kind report, issued by the American Cancer Society (ACS) on May 1, focuses solely on the cancer risk of ...

19 Apr
One Neurological Factor Keeps Black, Hispanic Patients From Alzheimer's Clinical Trials

One Neurological Factor Keeps Black, Hispanic Patients From Alzheimer's Clinical Trials

Black and Hispanic patients with Alzheimer's disease are greatly underrepresented in clinical trials, even though they're more likely to get dementia than whites.

However, racial discrimin...

18 Apr
Big Health Care Disparities Persist Across the U.S., New Report Finds

Big Health Care Disparities Persist Across the U.S., New Report Finds

Deep-seated racial and ethnic disparities persist in health care across the United States, even in states considered the most progressive, a new report shows.

For example, California received a score of 45 for the care its health system provides Hispanic Americans. The C...

12 Apr
Almost 1 in 4 People Disenrolled From Medicaid Are Now Uninsured

Almost 1 in 4 People Disenrolled From Medicaid Are Now Uninsured

Nearly a quarter of Americans who lost their pandemic-era Medicaid coverage say they're now without any health insurance, a new survey finds.

More than half (54%) of these currently uninsured adults cited cost as the reason keeping them from having coverage.

The <...

11 Apr
Preventive Mastectomy Less Common for Black Women With Breast Cancer

Preventive Mastectomy Less Common for Black Women With Breast Cancer

Black women with cancer in one breast are less likely than white women to have the healthy breast removed as well, a new study has found.

Women with cancer affecting one breast often elect to have the other breast removed, for a variety of reasons, researchers said.


10 Apr
Black and Native Americans Hit Hardest by 'Deaths of Despair'

Black and Native Americans Hit Hardest by 'Deaths of Despair'

More middle-aged Black and Native Americans are now falling prey to "deaths of despair"than whites, a new study finds.

These deaths -- from suicide, drug overdose and alcoholic liver disease -- initially had been more common among whites.

But a new analysis has det...

03 Apr
Anti-smoking Groups Sue FDA Again Over Menthol Ban Delays

Anti-smoking Groups Sue FDA Again Over Menthol Ban Delays

Three anti-smoking groups announced Tuesday that they have sued the U.S. government yet again after it missed its latest deadline for enacting a ban on menthol cigarettes.

This is the second ...

28 Mar
High Rate of Suicidal Thoughts Among Black Men in Rural America: Study

High Rate of Suicidal Thoughts Among Black Men in Rural America: Study

Suicidal thoughts and contemplation of death haunt the minds of many rural Black men in the United States, a new study reports.

One in three rural Black men said they had such dark thoughts within the past two weeks, University of Georgia researchers found.

These t...

27 Mar
Black Men Less Likely to Receive Heart Transplants Than White Men or Women

Black Men Less Likely to Receive Heart Transplants Than White Men or Women

The odds in the United States that a well-functioning donor heart will go to a Black man are lower than for white transplant candidates of either gender, new research shows.

The news is troubling, since "Black patients have a two to three times greater risk of developing...

14 Mar
Race, Ethnicity Plays Role in Liver Transplant Survival

Race, Ethnicity Plays Role in Liver Transplant Survival

Researchers hope findings from a new study of liver transplant patients will lead to improved interventions for those from racial and ethnic minority groups.

The study -- led by researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas -- found the risk of dying while wait...

01 Mar
PSA Test Might Overdiagnose Prostate Cancers in Black Men

PSA Test Might Overdiagnose Prostate Cancers in Black Men

A new British study suggests that the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, long used to spot prostate cancers, might lead to overdiagnosis in Black men.

Researchers now theorize that Black men may have naturally higher levels of the antigen in their blood than white men...

26 Feb
Faulty Pulse Oximeters Could Worsen Heart Failure in Black Patients

Faulty Pulse Oximeters Could Worsen Heart Failure in Black Patients

Pulse oximeters, devices that measure your blood's oxygen levels, are known to work less accurately in Black patients.

Now, new research suggests faulty readings might also be worsening the care of Black people who battle heart failure.

The findings could signal a ...

24 Feb
Colon Cancer Under 50: Know Your Risks and How to Prevent It

Colon Cancer Under 50: Know Your Risks and How to Prevent It

SATURDAY, Feb. 24, 2024 (HeathDay News) -- Colon cancer rates are on the rise among young Americans and Americans of color, so much so that the disease is now the leading cause of cancer death for men under 50 and the second most deadly cancer for women under 50.

The Ame...

20 Feb
It's Tougher for Non-White Americans to Get Opioid Addiction Drug

It's Tougher for Non-White Americans to Get Opioid Addiction Drug

Americans addicted to opioids who need the anti-addiction med buprenorphine are far more likely to find it if they live in a predominantly white neighborhood, new research finds.

"Access is substantially better in areas that are very white," said study lead author

20 Feb
Political Changes Are Stressing Hispanic Americans: Study

Political Changes Are Stressing Hispanic Americans: Study

Immigration has become a contentious topic in America, but new research shows the heated debate on the issue may be stressing out Hispanics across the country, whether they are citizens or not.

After analyzing data from 2011-2018, the researchers discovered that, over ti...

19 Feb
Black, Hispanic Middle Class Finding It Tougher to Afford Senior Housing, Health Care

Black, Hispanic Middle Class Finding It Tougher to Afford Senior Housing, Health Care

Millions of Black and Hispanic middle-class adults won't be able to afford senior housing and health care expenses as they grow old, a new study warns.

19 Feb
Heavy Sedation Could Drive Hispanic Patients' Higher Death Rate While on Ventilators

Heavy Sedation Could Drive Hispanic Patients' Higher Death Rate While on Ventilators

Hispanic Americans who are hospitalized and placed on ventilators have a higher risk of death than their white peers, and new research may reveal a reason why.

The study found that Hispanic patients in respiratory failure receive heavy sedation at a rate that is five tim...

15 Feb
Half of U.S. Health Care Workers Say They've Witnessed Racism Against Patients

Half of U.S. Health Care Workers Say They've Witnessed Racism Against Patients

Nearly half of health care workers nationwide say they've seen discrimination against patients while on the job, a new report reveals.

While 47% of health workers said they've witnessed discrimination against patients in their facilities, 52% said racism against patients...

15 Feb
Around the World, Indigenous People Face Higher Stroke Risk

Around the World, Indigenous People Face Higher Stroke Risk

Indigenous people in seven countries, including the United States and Canada, appear to be more likely to suffer a stroke than non-natives, a new, large review finds.

"Disparities are especially evident in countries where high average quality of life and long life expect...

09 Feb
Murder Rate for U.S. Black Women Is 6 Times That of Whites

Murder Rate for U.S. Black Women Is 6 Times That of Whites

Black women in the United States are six times more likely, on average, to be murdered than white women, a new study finds.

And that risk runs even higher when looking at specific states and time periods, researchers report Feb. 7 in

08 Feb
Murder, Suicide Claim More Years of Life Among U.S. Minorities Than Whites

Murder, Suicide Claim More Years of Life Among U.S. Minorities Than Whites

People of color in the United States lose more potential years of life to murder and suicide than whites, a new study concludes.

On average, Hispanic, Asian and Black homicide victims lose an average 12, eight and four more years of expected lifespan, respectively, than ...

06 Feb
CDC Restarts National Anti-Smoking Campaign, With Focus on Menthols

CDC Restarts National Anti-Smoking Campaign, With Focus on Menthols

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has resumed a national campaign that uses the stories of former smokers to warn Americans about the many health dangers of tobacco.

Known as the "Tips From Former Smokers" campaign, seven new people are featured in ads ...

05 Feb
Black Americans Lose Sleep After High-Profile Police Killings

Black Americans Lose Sleep After High-Profile Police Killings

Police killings of unarmed Black people are robbing the Black community of a precious commodity"sleep.

Black adults across the United States suffer from sleep problems after they're exposed to news of killings that occur during police encounters, a new study published Fe...

02 Feb
Stroke Recovery Could Depend on Where You Live

Stroke Recovery Could Depend on Where You Live

For stroke survivors, the relative affluence of their neighborhood could be a factor in how well and how soon they recover, new research shows.

Compared to Americans living in better-off locales...

01 Feb
High Blood Pressure in Young Black Women Sends Stroke Risks Soaring

High Blood Pressure in Young Black Women Sends Stroke Risks Soaring

Black American women have much higher rates of high blood pressure than white women, and it's especially deadly if hypertension sets in before the age of 35, new research shows.

Black women diagnosed with high blood pressure before the age of 35 had triple the odds of su...

31 Jan
Breast Cancer Gene Test May Lead to Worse Care for Black Patients

Breast Cancer Gene Test May Lead to Worse Care for Black Patients

A common genetic test to determine treatment options for breast cancer could be leading some Black patients to forego chemotherapy that might have helped them, a new study says.

The test appears to underestimate the benefit of chemotherapy in some Black women because it ...

24 Jan
AA Programs Turn Lives Around, But Most Members Are White: Study

AA Programs Turn Lives Around, But Most Members Are White: Study

Alcoholics Anonymous is a key means by which millions of Americans deal with drinking problems.

However, white Americans are much more likely to engage in the trusted "12-step"program than Black of Hispanic drinkers, a new study finds.

Black and Hispanic alcoholics...

23 Jan
Black People Far More Likely to Get Glaucoma, and Genes May Explain Why

Black People Far More Likely to Get Glaucoma, and Genes May Explain Why

Black people are five times as likely as others to develop glaucoma and up to 15 times more likely to be blinded by the degenerative eye disease.

Now, a new study reports that genetics appears to be at least one factor contributing to this increased risk.


18 Jan
Non-White U.S. Kids Get Worse Pediatric Care

Non-White U.S. Kids Get Worse Pediatric Care

Pediatric care for kids who aren't white is worse across the United States, a new study finds.

Racial inequities for children of color are pervasive, extending from neonatal care, emergency medicine and surgery to treatment of developmental disabilities, mental health is...

12 Jan
Race Still Plays Role in U.S. Cancer Death Rates

Race Still Plays Role in U.S. Cancer Death Rates

While cancer death rates have fallen among Americans generally over the past two decades, a new study finds Black Americans are still more likely than whites to die from the disease.

There has been some improvement in closing the gap -- in 2000, Black Americans were 26% ...

11 Jan
Stroke Hits Black Americans at Younger Ages Than Whites

Stroke Hits Black Americans at Younger Ages Than Whites

Black Americans have strokes nearly a decade younger on average than white people, a new study has found.

The study also revealed that Black people consistently had a higher rate of stroke than white folks over a 22-year period, according to findings published in the jou...