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Results for search "Memory Problems".

Health Videos - 4

What Is the MIND Diet, and Can It Lower Your Risk of Memory Problems Later in Life?

A new study finds people who most closely follow the MIND diet experience significantly less cognitive decline over time.

College Students Who Vape May Be Hurting Their Ability to Learn

In a new study, college students who vaped scored below the normal range on cognitive function tests that assessed learning, memory, problem-solving skills and critical thinking.

Fish Oil Supplements May Help People at High Risk for Alzheimer's

A new study finds taking a daily fish oil supplement may slow brain cell deterioration in people at genetic risk for Alzheimer’s – but researchers say it does not benefit all older adults.

Common Benzo Drugs like Valium and Ativan Don’t Increase Dementia Risk, New Study Finds

A new study finds no link between benzodiazepines and dementia, but these drugs—commonly prescribed for anxiety, insomnia and epilepsy—may speed up loss of brain volume, researchers say.

Health News Results - 82

08 Oct
Could Music Lessons Help Clear the 'Brain Fog' of Chemotherapy?

Could Music Lessons Help Clear the 'Brain Fog' of Chemotherapy?

In a small, preliminary study, piano lessons provided to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy appeared to help them maintain brain health.

"There were a lot of outside stressors contributing to my mood, but piano practice and going to lessons were always something go...

04 Oct
Hearing Loss Can Raise Risks for Cognitive Decline

Hearing Loss Can Raise Risks for Cognitive Decline

A new, large study from France underscores the link between adult hearing loss and dementia.

"Given the major burden of cognitive decline and the absence of curative treatment, identifying modifiable risk factors is of importance," a team led by

23 Sep
Could Antidepressants Give Memory a Boost?

Could Antidepressants Give Memory a Boost?

Antidepressants have the potential to improve memory and thinking skills, a new study suggests.

Some patients experienced a boost on brain tests after taking the SSR...

17 Sep
Could 'Brain Training' Exercises Help Slow Alzheimer's Symptoms?

Could 'Brain Training' Exercises Help Slow Alzheimer's Symptoms?

Brain training aimed at improving memory can ward off symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease for years, a new study claims.

Seniors experienced a slower

16 Aug
Your Brain Cells 'Reset' During Sleep, Readying for Tomorrow's Memories

Your Brain Cells 'Reset' During Sleep, Readying for Tomorrow's Memories

A good night’s sleep is crucial for helping people make new memories, a new study says.

Neurons that capture new memories during the day reset while you ...

12 Jun
Depression Could Take Toll on Memory With Age

Depression Could Take Toll on Memory With Age

Depression and memory declines may be closely linked in older people, new research suggests.

"Our study shows that the relationship between depression and poor memory cuts both ways, with depressive symptoms preceding memory decline and memory decline linked to subsequen...

18 Apr
Work That Challenges Your Brain Helps You Stay Sharp With Age

Work That Challenges Your Brain Helps You Stay Sharp With Age

Jobs that challenge your mind could help your brain age more gracefully, a new study suggests.

The harder your brain works on the job, the less likely you are to have memory and thinking problems later in life, researchers reported April 17 in the journal Neurology<...

04 Mar
More Evidence Sleep Apnea Harms Thinking, Memory

More Evidence Sleep Apnea Harms Thinking, Memory

Sleep apnea could have detrimental effects on the brain, causing memory or thinking problems, a new study suggests.

People suffering from sleep apnea are about 50% more likely to also report having memory or thinking problems, compared to those without sleep apnea, resea...

08 Feb
Your Brain Finds Ways to Compensate Against Age-Related Decline

Your Brain Finds Ways to Compensate Against Age-Related Decline

No one's brain is as sharp at 60 as it was at 20.

However, new research supports the notion that folk's brains can make subtle adjustments with age to compensate for that decline.

A team of British researchers has found more evidence that as the mind ages, it somet...

02 Feb
Ancient Greeks Seldom Hit by Dementia, Suggesting It's a Modern Malady

Ancient Greeks Seldom Hit by Dementia, Suggesting It's a Modern Malady

Dementia seems like a disorder that's always haunted the human race.

But this form of severe memory loss is actually a modern malady, if classical Greek and Roman physicians are to be believed.

A new analysis of ancient Greek and Roman medical texts suggests that d...

04 Jan
Poor Sleep in Your 30s, 40s Could Mean Memory Problems Later

Poor Sleep in Your 30s, 40s Could Mean Memory Problems Later

People who get poor sleep in their 30s and 40s might be more likely to develop memory and thinking problems a decade later, a new study warns.

Those who had the most disrupted sleep in early adulthood had more than double the odds of poor thinking performance when tested...

03 Jan
Resolve to Get a Free Memory Screening in 2024

Resolve to Get a Free Memory Screening in 2024

There are so many New Year's resolutions from which to choose, but an important one could be to schedule a memory screening, experts say.

Memory screenings consist of a series of questions that gauge memory and brain function, according to the Alzheimer's Foundation of A...

27 Dec
Pets Bring Health Boost to Single Seniors' Brains: Study

Pets Bring Health Boost to Single Seniors' Brains: Study

For the growing number of American seniors who live alone, having a beloved dog or cat by their side could help them maintain a healthy brain.

New research on more than 7,900 people averaging 66 years of age found that those who lived alone were able to stave off losses ...

14 Dec
More Research Shows the Brain Benefits of Exercise

More Research Shows the Brain Benefits of Exercise

Regular exercise appears to enhance and even grow crucial areas of the human brain, new research using MRI scans shows.

It's long been known that physical activity is a brain-booster, but this international study illustrates ways this could be happening.

"With comp...

05 Dec
Wasabi Shows Memory-Boosting Powers in Study

Wasabi Shows Memory-Boosting Powers in Study

Wasabi, that green condiment that spices up your sushi, may possess memory-boosting powers, a new Japanese study suggests.

Lead researcher Rui Nouchi, an associate professor at Tohoku ...

05 Dec
Cognitive Decline May Come Earlier for People With Epilepsy

Cognitive Decline May Come Earlier for People With Epilepsy

People with epilepsy suffer quicker declines in thinking than people without the brain disorder, particularly if they also have risk factors like high blood pressure or diabetes, a new study finds.

The difference was significant: Over the course of the 14-year study, tho...

07 Sep
In Twins Study, Concussions in Early Life Tied to Memory Issues Decades Later

In Twins Study, Concussions in Early Life Tied to Memory Issues Decades Later

Your thinking and memory skills may take a hit decades after recovering from a concussion, a new study indicates.

Scientists who studied male twins, from an average age of 67, found that earlier concussions were tied to lower scores on tests of thinking and memory....

03 Aug
Yoga Might Do Wonders for Women's Aging Brains

Yoga Might Do Wonders for Women's Aging Brains

Yoga is known for its benefits to both the mind and body. And a gentle form of yoga may be an ideal early intervention technique for older women at risk of Alzheimer's disease, new research suggests.

In a small study involving kundalini yoga, participants reported ...

03 Aug
Memory Troubles? Your Race Could Affect How Soon You Get Diagnosis, Treatment

Memory Troubles? Your Race Could Affect How Soon You Get Diagnosis, Treatment

Black Americans are less likely to be seen at a memory clinic than their white peers. So too are folks from neighborhoods that are poor and lack educational and job opportunities, according to a new study.

That could mean later diagnosis and treatment for dementias lik...

11 Jul
Memory Issues Could Be Another Struggle for Kids With Autism

Memory Issues Could Be Another Struggle for Kids With Autism

Children with autism have well-known difficulties with social interactions, but a new study is highlighting another area where they can struggle: memory.

Researchers found that compared with their peers, school-age kids with autism showed more difficulty managing memory ...

02 Jun
Erectile Troubles in Middle Age a Bad Sign for Men's Brains

Erectile Troubles in Middle Age a Bad Sign for Men's Brains

Erectile dysfunction (ED) has been tied to an increased risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Now, research suggests that erectile woes during late middle age may also be linked to a man's chances of developing memory issues later on.

"Because sub...

30 May
Compounds in Chocolate, Berries Might Help Boost Memory As You Age

Compounds in Chocolate, Berries Might Help Boost Memory As You Age

You'll likely lose some of your memory and thinking abilities as you age, but nutrients called flavanols might help thwart that decline, a new study suggests.

Not getting enough flavanols -- natural compounds found in fruits, vegetables and ev...

01 May
Could Long COVID Change Brain Activity?

Could Long COVID Change Brain Activity?

Scientists report that brain scans of long COVID patients show abnormal activity in areas related to memory.

The scan results validate the concerns of these patients, who feel like they're experiencing fatigue, trouble concentrating and memory issues, even though their s...

27 Mar
Does Exercise Really Help Your Brain? Jury Still Out

Does Exercise Really Help Your Brain? Jury Still Out

It's long been thought that working out helps a person stay sharp, but a new review argues there's little solid scientific evidence for the mental benefits of physical exercise.

Individual clinical trial results have tended to support the idea that regular exercise helps...

16 Mar
Could COVID Trigger 'Face Blindness'?

Could COVID Trigger 'Face Blindness'?

The list of symptoms that can strike long COVID sufferers has just gotten a little longer, and a little more mysterious: Researchers are reporting a case of "face blindness" related to the syndrome.

The condition, known medically as prosopagnosia, causes a very specific ...

15 Mar
Alzheimer's Report: Many Seniors With Memory Issues Aren't Telling Their Doctors

Alzheimer's Report: Many Seniors With Memory Issues Aren't Telling Their Doctors

Alzheimer's is one of the most common and serious diseases of aging, yet many older adults with memory issues are not telling their doctors about their struggles.

That's according to a new report from the Alzheimer's Association that focuses on whether doctors and patien...

25 Jan
Initial Symptoms Could Predict How Fast Alzheimer's Progresses

Initial Symptoms Could Predict How Fast Alzheimer's Progresses

Memory loss is the most common symptom associated with Alzheimer's disease -- the terrifying prospect of slowly forgetting yourself and everything around you.

But people who exhibit memory loss early on in their dementia actually have a slower rate of decline than those ...

11 Jan
New Year: Time for Your Memory Screening Appointment

New Year: Time for Your Memory Screening Appointment

Many conditions cause memory issues, and early detection is essential for effective treatment, according to a national Alzheimer's disease organization.

The Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA) encourages people to get a memory screening in the new year.

The fo...

27 Dec
Smokers More Prone to Memory Loss by Middle Age

Smokers More Prone to Memory Loss by Middle Age

If you need another reason to quit smoking, researchers have one: your mid-life brain health.

Not only does smoking harm lung and heart health, but it increases the chances of middle-aged memory loss and confusion, a new study shows.

The likelihood of mental ("cog...

21 Dec
Mood Swings, Memory Troubles: Minding the Mental Toll of Menopause

Mood Swings, Memory Troubles: Minding the Mental Toll of Menopause

Menopause and the years before it may make you feel like you're losing your mind.

Some of those feelings are changes that occur naturally in this stage of life, but other factors contribute, too, according to the

13 Dec
Exercise, Mindfulness May Not Boost Seniors' Thinking, Memory

Exercise, Mindfulness May Not Boost Seniors' Thinking, Memory

Exercise and mindfulness are known for their health benefits, but a new study found that didn't extend to boosting memory or thinking skills in healthy seniors.

That doesn't mean these activities wouldn't be beneficial for memory if practiced for a longer period of time...

16 Nov
Aerobic Exercise Reinvigorates the Aging Brain

Aerobic Exercise Reinvigorates the Aging Brain

Regular aerobic exercise improves blood flow to the brain, which should help keep seniors sharper as they age, a new trial has revealed.

At least a half-hour of power walking or jogging four to five times a week promoted better blood flow in and out of the brain among a ...

10 Nov
Could 'Food Stamps' Program Give Memory a Boost?

Could 'Food Stamps' Program Give Memory a Boost?

Signing up for "food stamps" might help lower-income seniors preserve their mental capabilities, a new U.S. study suggests.

Researchers found that eligible older adults who used the government's

02 Nov
What's Better for Your Brain, Crossword Puzzles or Computer Games?

What's Better for Your Brain, Crossword Puzzles or Computer Games?

Older adults looking to slow down memory loss might find some help in a classic brain-teaser: the crossword puzzle.

That's the suggestion of a small study that followed older adults with mild cognitive impairment -- problems with memory and thinking that may progress to ...

01 Nov
Get a Free Memory Screening From the Alzheimer's Foundation This November

Get a Free Memory Screening From the Alzheimer's Foundation This November

Early detection of memory issues is important.

It can help rule in or out a variety of health issues, including vitamin deficiency, thyroid condition, sleep apnea, urinary tract infection and, of course,

25 Oct
Scientists Probe How Sleep Helps Create Lasting Memories

Scientists Probe How Sleep Helps Create Lasting Memories

It's a question many have asked: How are memories made to last?

Now, a new study claims they are solidified during sleep through the interplay of two distinct brain regions.

Memories are set in the brain as it cycles between slow-wave and rapid eye movement (

21 Oct
1 in 10 U.S. Seniors Has Dementia; Minorities Hit Hardest

1 in 10 U.S. Seniors Has Dementia; Minorities Hit Hardest

One in 10 older Americans has dementia, and twice as many have mild mental impairment, a new study finds.

As the nation's population grows older, the burden on families and society is likely to grow, and minorities will be affected most, experts say.

"As the popula...

03 Oct
Brain Secrets of the Super-Sharp 'Super-Agers'

Brain Secrets of the Super-Sharp 'Super-Agers'

Researchers have discovered another clue as to how some older people stay sharp as a tack into their 80s and beyond: Their brain cells are really big.

The study focused on what scientists have dubbed "super-agers" -- a select group of elderly adults who have the memory s...

19 Sep
Over 7 Million U.S. Seniors Have Mental Declines That Threaten Financial Skills

Over 7 Million U.S. Seniors Have Mental Declines That Threaten Financial Skills

As Americans age, millions end up struggling with dementia or some level of memory impairment and diminished capacity to think clearly and make decisions.

Yet a new study s...

19 Sep
Mental Skills Slow With Age, But Seniors Gain in Other Ways: Study

Mental Skills Slow With Age, But Seniors Gain in Other Ways: Study

Seniors, there's good news and bad from a new study of mental health. The brain-centered research confirms that mental skills do decline with age -- but it also finds many people over 60 having better psychological health than folks in their 20s.

"We wanted to better und...

06 Sep
Music: Bridging Memories for People With Alzheimer's

Music: Bridging Memories for People With Alzheimer's

Wes Mika started out on drums, but in his heart he was a tambourine man.

"He got fascinated by the little silver discs on the tambourine,"said his wife, Susan Mika. "Sometimes he would hit the tambourine with the little mallets of the drum. He just he loved that tambouri...

01 Sep
In Small Study, Hormone Boosts Thinking Skills in Men With Down Syndrome

In Small Study, Hormone Boosts Thinking Skills in Men With Down Syndrome

Men with Down syndrome may think and remember better when treated with a brain hormone normally associated with f...

22 Aug
In Trial, Brain Zaps Gave Seniors a Month-Long Memory Boost

In Trial, Brain Zaps Gave Seniors a Month-Long Memory Boost

If you're a senior who struggles to remember where you put your car keys, could

02 Aug
Experiences of Racism Tied to Worsening Memory, Thinking in Older Black Americans

Experiences of Racism Tied to Worsening Memory, Thinking in Older Black Americans

Black and Hispanic Americans are more likely than others to be diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, and ...

18 Jul
Even a Drink a Day Might Raise Brain Risks

Even a Drink a Day Might Raise Brain Risks

Even moderate drinking may be related to higher iron levels in the brain - a potentially risky situation for memory and thinking skills, a new study suggests.


15 Jul
Post-Stroke Memory Loss Can Resolve for Some Patients

Post-Stroke Memory Loss Can Resolve for Some Patients

Memory loss is a common symptom after a stroke, but there's hope for some that those memories could return.

A new study from Norway examined 86 patients with relatively mild strokes and found many had improved mental functioning after 12 weeks.

"Our study shows th...

22 Jun
Researchers Spot Sign of Alzheimer's Risk That Scammers Love

Researchers Spot Sign of Alzheimer's Risk That Scammers Love

Could the way a senior handles his or her money offer clues about their risk for Alzheimer's disease?

Yes, according to a new study involving dozens of el...

06 May
Severe COVID May Age Survivors' Brains 20 Years: Study

Severe COVID May Age Survivors' Brains 20 Years: Study

A serious bout of COVID-19 can prompt a serious loss of brain power, new research warns, triggering a drop in IQ that's equivalent to aging from 50 to 70 in a matter of months.

"Previous research has indicated that people who have recovered from COVID-19 may suffer from ...

03 May
Scientists Calculate Perfect Amount of Sleep for Folks Over 40

Scientists Calculate Perfect Amount of Sleep for Folks Over 40

Are you over 40 and wonder what the magic amount of sleep every night might be? A new study arrives at an answer.

It turns out that seven hours of sleep a night may be the ideal amount for keeping your brain in good health if you're middle-aged or older.

"Getting a...

12 Apr
Your Personality May Safeguard Your Aging Brain

Your Personality May Safeguard Your Aging Brain

Certain personality traits may make older adults more or less vulnerable to waning memory and thinking skills, a new study suggests.

The study, of nearly 2,000 older adults, found that those high on the "conscientious" scale - organized, self-disciplined and productive -...

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